class: break top right background-image: url(assets/img/bg/unsplash_bpt7mjgrBRQ.jpg) background-size: cover <div class="f3 f-nunito w-80 fr mt3">JavaScript for Shiny Users</div> <div class="f4 white absolute bottom-1 right-2 lh-copy can-edit key-setup">Ready?<br>RStudio Cloud:<br></div> <!-- <img class="w-33 absolute bottom-1 right-2" src="assets/img/rstudio-2020-logo.png" /> --> --- class: title
JavaScript for Shiny Users
Garrick Aden-Buie
rstudio::conf(2020, "JavaScript for Shiny Users")
--- exclude: true # Overview .pull-left[ - Meet your neighbor - Meet the team - Are we ready? - everything installed - where to find things - workshop overview & announcements - Create a folder for workshop things ] .pull-right[ ] --- class: break white bottom background-image: url('assets/img/bg/unsplash_R-WtV-QyVnY.jpg') background-size: cover <div class="f1 b mb3 lh-solid">Welcome to <br><span class="fw1 n">rstudio::conf</span> </div> --- # Workshop Policies .w-70[ 1. Identify the exits closes to you in case of emergency 1. Please review the .blue[rstudio::conf] code of conduct that applies to all workshops. Issues can be addressed in three ways 1. **In person:** contact and .blue[rstudio::conf] staff member or the conference registration desk 1. **By email:** send a message to .code[] 1. **By phone:** call 844—448—1212 1. Please do not photograph people wearing .red[red lanyards] 1. A chill-out room is available for neurologically diverse attendees on the 4th floor of Tower 1. ] <div class="icon-rstudio cover absolute bottom-1 right-1" style="width:128px;height:128px"></div> --- # Meet our team...[ .w-20.mr3[ <img class="br-100" src="assets/img/people/carson.jpg" /> .f5[Carson] .gray[@cpsievert] ] .w-20.mr3[ <img class="br-100" src="assets/img/people/colin.jpg" /> .f5[Colin] .gray[@_ColinFay] ] .w-20.mr3[ <img class="br-100" src="assets/img/people/garrick.png" /> .f5[Garrick] .gray[@grrrck] ] .w-20.mr3[ <img class="br-100" src="assets/img/people/maya.png" /> .f5[Maya] .gray[@Mayacelium] ] .w-20.mr3[ <img class="br-100" src="assets/img/people/nick.png" /> .f5[Nick] .small.gray[@NicholasStrayer] ] ] .tc.f5.gray[ Learn more about us at<br>[people] ] ??? **Carson**: - sofware engineer at rstudio: shiny, plotly, rmarkdown - author of _Interactive data visualization with R, plotly, and shiny_ - phd from Iowa State **Colin**: - Data scientist and R hacker at ThinkR - known for: Golem and bubble much much more **Maya**: - Creates custom Shiny apps for clinical trials at Cytel - 2019 Intern at RStudio designed tidyblocks: visual programming language - Creates awsome inforgraphics for Jambase **Nick**: - currently phd candidate in biostats at Vanderbilt - done data journalism for NYT<br> data sci for Jon Hopkins Data Science Lab<br> data artist in residence at Conduce - Blogs at live free or dichotomize **Nick**: - --- # Meet your neighbors .f6[ 1. Hi, my name is... 2. What do you do with data and .f-galada.f5[Shiny]? 3. The last thing I looked up on Stack Overflow was... ] <div class="f1 absolute top-1 right-2 pt0">👋</div> --- class: break white center top background-image: url('assets/img/bg/unsplash_6K-xLVV0-wg.jpg') background-size: cover background-position: 0 -70px .mt5[ # Ready? ] --- class: fullscreen[ .w-33.pb3.mr4[ # WiFi .f1[📶] .code.f4.can-edit.key-wifi-network[rstudio20] ] .w-33.pb3[ # Password .f1[💻] .code.f4.can-edit.key-wifi-password[tidyverse20] ] ] --- # Latest **js4shiny**?[ ```r devtools::install_github( "gadenbuie/js4shiny", dependencies = TRUE ) ``` .tc.mt4[ .blue[pkg.] ] ] --- # Setup issues, like **npm** problems? .f5[ Don't worry, you don't need it yet. Get help with .green[node/npm] between .b[Session 3 and 4]. ] --- # Skip the setup, use .center.mt4[ .f3[[](]  ] --- # Where to find .silver[thing] online?[ .fl[🏠] []( .fl[📦] [.blue[pkg.].light-silver[]]( .fl[💬] [.blue[chat.].light-silver[]]( .fl[🙋] [.blue[help.].light-silver[]]( .fl[🗃] [.blue[repo.].light-silver[]]( ] --- # Share what you're learning .f6[ 🐥 Feel free to tweet about .red[#js4shiny] 🗣 Share what you're learning! 📸 Pictures are okay 🤳 Selfies are cool 📹 .red[Please don't video] ] --- # Sticky Notes[ .w-33[ <div class="square bg-red mh-a"></div> I'm stuck! ] .w-33[ <div class="square bg-yellow mh-a"></div> I'm not stuck,<br> but I need 💻 help ] .w-33[ <div class="square mh-a f1 flex justify-center items-center"><span class="bigger ma0 pa0">🙋</span></div> I need help understanding something<br> .smaller[which likely means others do too!] ] ] <style type="text/css"> .square { width: 200px; height: 200px; } </style> --- class: center # <img src="assets/img/intro/js4shiny-chat.png" class="w-80 mh-a shadow-5"/> --- class: center # <img src="assets/img/intro/js4shiny-help.png" class="w-80 mh-a shadow-2"/> --- class: break center middle background-image: url('assets/img/bg/unsplash_pvMVecxVoW0.jpg') background-size: cover <h1 class="dark-gray n">Set?</h1> --- layout: false class: header_background # Browser Check .flex.h-100.items-center[ .w-third[[  ][ Firefox ] ] .w-third[[  ][ Chrome ] ] .w-third[[  ] .tc.f5[ RStudio ] ] ] --- class: header_background # New Tab, Clean Slate[  ] --- class: header_background # Setup Home Base ## Make a folder where you can put things - .mr1[📂] Create a new folder somewhere **easy to find** - not version controlled - not inside another project - <img src="assets/img/rstudio-icon.png" height="39px" class="mr1" style="vertical-align: middle"> Make an **RStudio project** _inside_ that folder - e.g. .pkg[js4shiny-workshop] - This will be "homebase" - Open this project to get started - .mr1[⛅] .pkg[]
??? - Don't version control parent because we'll create more R projects/packages in this folder --- class: center middle <img src="assets/img/rstudio-icon.png" height="150px" class="mr1" style="vertical-align: middle"> # How do you like your RStudio? ??? I may need to move my panes around a bit so let's take a second to see how I have mine set up --- class: center middle # Let's Go! 👋 [Hello, world wide web](hello-www.html)