class: title
Bringing it All Back Home
R for Web Dev
Garrick Aden-Buie
rstudio::conf(2020, "JavaScript for Shiny Users")
--- class: break white center middle background-image: url('assets/img/bg/unsplash_VEOk8qUl9DU.jpg') background-size: cover ## Other Conferences --- class: break white middle right background-image: url(assets/img/r-for-web/animal.gif) background-size: cover ### rstudio::conf --- ## Serious Inspiration .flex.w-100[ .w-33[ <a href=""><img src="" width="100%" /></a> ] .w-60.ml4[ Inspired by the [Human Body App]( by Maya Gans. Also inspired by [this question by Eric Nantz](<br> on RStudio Community. .w-80[  ] ] ] --- layout: true ## Our App .fl.w-33.mr3[  [​js4shiny-drumkit/]( ] --- --- .f5[ _Makes real sounds!_ ] -- .f5[ _Entertaining for at least 5 minutes!_ ] -- .f5[ _It's actually educational!_ ] -- .f5[ _It's a real .f-galada.fs-normal[Shiny] app!_ ] --- layout: false ## To Get Started .f6[.b[Follow Along:] .code[]] .f6[.b[Starter Zip:] .code[]] ```r library(usethis) zip <- "" use_course(zip, destdir = "js4shiny") ``` Use your workshop folder for `destdir` .absolute.w-20.h-50.bottom-0.right-2[  ] ??? [Dev Script]( --- # Let's Do This Together! We're going to do all the steps of this project together. Be kind to your neighbors and help them if they get stuck. .mt3[ # Read with me... <a class="f4" href="" target="_blank"></a> The **dev journal** is to help if you get lost Click on .blue[changelog links] to see changes at each step .code[js4shiny::repl_example("drumkit-N")] ]